Saturday, January 1, 2011

My thinking cap is on

Now that 2010 is dead and gone (good riddance, I say), I realize that a good chunk of my brain went unused. This isn't to say that I wasn't busy, because I was--there were workdays that I'd forget to eat; considering I'm a gal that likes my food, that's sort of a big deal. Rather, the creative portion of my noggin went idle for long, long stretches. This is bad for anyone--if all you're doing day to day is going through the motions, pushing pencils, and just kicking balls back into play, your soul will miss that stimulation, and your mental health will suffer. It's especially bad for me, because my inner five-year-old will start kicking and throwing tantrums if she doesn't get to do something fun and creative on a daily basis.

So, each day in 2011, I promise to do something that scratches that itch. Doesn't matter what, really--paint a picture, write a poem, make a new recipe--but something that lets me put my creative brain on a leash and take it for a walk.

Here's to a fulfilling, stimulating, and creative new year.

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