Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shakin' That Ass

You guys remember making mix tapes? If you're too young, you missed out on a lovely, delicate art. You'd get a 90-minute blank cassette and park your butt for hours in front of your boom box, taping songs in just the perfect order to make an hour and a half long masterpiece for a friend, boyfriend, crush, or other lucky pair of ears. The trick was ending the last song RIGHT ON TOP of the end of the 45-minute side--too soon and you'd end up with dead air; too late and the damned thing would cut out in the middle of a tune. DEATH.

Making an iTunes playlist recaptures some of that feeling--you don't have to drag out every CD or tape you own and pile it around you while you play jr-high deejay. Gaining ease, though, means you lose just a bit of the art. Anyway, it's still fun. This is the playlist (first draft) for my first deejay night at Dance Dance Party Party. Prepare to shake what your mamma gave you, ladies.


  1. Jenni, don't forget the fine art of trying to tape a song from the radio!

  2. Holy crap, I remember when I thought I was SOOO clever putting the headphones of my Walkman over the mic of my mono tape player to record B96. It sounded like hot-buttered ass.
