Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ray of Sunshine

On a recent trip to the suburbs, I ventured into a Hobby Lobby. HL is where Christians buy the ingredients for ugly Jesussy crafts to thrust upon their brethren. I'm not crazy for Christ, but I am apeshit for cheap yarn, which HL happily has assloads of. While perusing the aisles of fish-shaped latchhook rugs and chocolate Bible molds, I found a true blessed treasure--Makit-Bakits! Praise the Lord!

If you're a child of the 1970s or 1980s, you remember this ready-made craft kit consists of a metal frame and a crapload of teeny weeny colored plastic nubs destined to be fall all over the floor and get eaten by the dog. You sprinkle the nubs into the frame, bake it, and you theoretically get a beautiful suncatcher (why the sun needs catching, I have no idea). Among the many problems: It's impossible to stay within the lines, so the nubs spill all over and makes it look spotty, so the end result looks like a herpescatcher.

Anyway, the lovely and talented and Rebecca and I decided to whip these babies out in between NFL wildcard games today for a bit of no-brain creativity. It was more work than fun. Getting the nubs in the right place involves a lot of patience, time and swearing. Rebecca took the time to get hers nearly perfect. I, on the other hand, after a few minutes of effort said "eff this" and  tossed the little mothers everywhere willy-nilly. We ended up with a TON of leftover nubs, which we threw into cookie cutters, for shits and/or giggles. All the MakitBakits got popped into the oven for their magical transformation.

Sadly, the melting didn't really happen--the nubs only slightly softened and turned into nubby blobs that refused to unite seamlessly into a pretty, glossy surface. The white especially resembled rice pudding. However, the freestyle MakitBakit thingies we did turned out nicely--we're going to turn them into magnets and display them proudly on our fridge, so not all is lost. Plus, I think Rebecca's Unicorn turned out lovely. She named it Miss Nurple. Hi, Miss Nurple.

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